Write Quality Comments

10 Ways To Write Quality Comments At Every Blog You Visit

Blog commenting isn’t new to anyone. Every time you read about building human relationships with your fellow bloggers, commenting comes in the first place.

But how would you vow the blog owner with your comments? What’s your way to write quality comments at different blogs?

This is one of the most important topics to discuss.

People tell you about writing more and more comments but no one tells how?

I am here with a guide to embrace your blog commenting skills within a few days.

Things To Consider When You Write A Blog Comment

Before you even think about commenting on someone’s blog, there are many things which should be analyzed.

There are many mistakes people make.

Let me point out some ways to improve your blog commenting skills.

#1. Always Start With A Perfect Designation

It’s always recommended to start with a personal touch. You know that people like to get connected with others.

Just drop the name with “hi, hello, hey” etc.

For example, Hey Josh, Hi Brenda, Hello John.

It adds a value to your comment. Don’t ever start directly. You are talking to a person and it’s important to mention that person in your comment.

If you start like –

I am here with the great approach of friendship and value.

I don’t think it would work out. To whom you are talking. Say it gently.

#2. Start A Conversation From The Article.

There are many people who drop by and write a few words from their own world which are not even related to the content.

Have you noticed any? Well, the world is not small, you will get to know about it someday.

The thing is, start your conversation with the motto of the article. The heading of the article says everything. Make sure that you add some value.

#3. Tell Your Personal Story

A personal story always works. There may be many life experiences which can be related to the content.

If someone is writing about confessions of a professional blogger then you can relate to many things. You may also have something to say.

What about your secret confessions which are yet to be revealed to the world? Share something you always wanted to confess about blogging.

#4. Follow The Smart Guide, Read The Basic Points

It’s not possible to read the whole article every time you comment.

People try to comment on many blogs as possible. So you can follow the right path by having an idea about the content from the highlighted points.

It would be great if you pick a few lines from the article so that the blog owner can really think that you have invested a few minutes.

#5. Don’t Flaunt, Add Genuine Compliments

You may find any blog post really helpful. Maybe you can add a few words about that.

“Hey Jessica,

You have rocked it.:)

I have read many articles related to this and you brought something that touched me. “

The comment may go on like that. You can add the words like “informative, useful, wonderful” and many else.

Don’t start like you’re trying to impress a girl with your fake attitude.

Just be normal and say what you really mean. This is something you should follow to write quality comments.

#6. Say The New Things You Read

There are many blog posts on the same topic. So it’s important to bring something new.

Skip the old piece of the content and mention something which is new to you. Use your reading skills and analyze something unique from the content.

It’s like spying your own old home.

Don’t you feel good when someone notices the changes you have made? The same thing goes for everyone.

#7. Use The Main Point of The Article

For every blog post, there is a central idea.

Suppose you have read about “start your own blog and make money from it“. Doesn’t it an obvious guide everyone is providing?

Well, you should stick to the main point of starting a new blog and extend it with your knowledge.

Whether it’s about buying a new domain or the web host, mention the companies you trust.

It would be really good if you add the company names the blog owner has mentioned so that he/she can relate to your comment.

#8. Never Skip The First Paragraph

To write quality comments, it would be a great idea to generate the content for your comment from the first paragraph of the article.

You know that the starting points are always the best. You can mention those points in your comment to make it look better.

People like it when someone relates to their views. How about you?

#9. Add Some Emotions

This is the secret to write quality comments.

Bloggers like when someone tells them about the how they felt about their article. Maybe the content has helped many people.

You know what, whenever you start writing a comment, always remember the things happened to you in the past. Add the lines telling that you wish if you could find the article before.

It shows how important it is to read the content.

#10. Never Skip The Conclusion

Some bloggers ask your opinion in the conclusion, others tell what they think.

You should read the last paragraph so that you can share what has been asked. If someone asks about your thought related to the topic then go for it.

It’s the direct way to connect with the bloggers.

What Are You Going To Do To Write Quality Comments

Every now and then, people are working hard to get noticed by influencers. And the best way is to comment on their blog posts.

What about you? Are you following any of the points mentioned above?

Do you have your own style? It would be great if you share your ways to write quality comments.

From my perspective, you should always try to relate to the content. Never ever comment if you don’t have any idea about it.

Read and then start writing.

If you want to share something, people would love to hear about it.

by Ravi Chahar

A WordPress Professional and the LinkedIn Influencer. A coder by passion and a blogger by choice. WordPress theme development is his forte. He is your WordPress guy who will teach you how to solve WordPress errors, WordPress security issues, design issues and what not.

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  1. Hi Ravi, Just commenting after learning how to comment from you. In simple and quite way this is nice and natural. I’m just thing why said must read first paragraph instead of first and last both but suddenly when I move on the next part there conclusion comes and just clear my mind set, glad to know the quality of commenting.


    ~ Junaid Shahid

    1. Hey Junaid,

      Reading the first paragraph can give you an idea about the topic. It’s really annoying when people drop irrelevant comment.

      Being natural is what you should do to make you look professional.

      Thanks for stopping by.


      1. Thanks Ravi, can you tell me more about why mostly blogger used signature like

        ~ Junaid

        I’m not using this but after looking you and some other blogger just start following them without any reason, is this signature have some impact on comments?

        1. Well Junaid,

          Greetings are important and you should mention the person you’re talking to.

          Such signatures improve the professional approach. Being a professional, you should adopt some habits like this.


  2. Hi Ravi,

    Whenever there’s a question at the end of the post I try to answer it. I think it makes for a more conversational response instead of stale one.

    As you mentioned you have to read the article to come up with a good comment, or at least parts of it. If you didn’t read it you comment will likely go in the wrong direction and it’ll show to everyone else who did. You end up standing out in a bad way.


    1. Hey Lea,

      It’s really important to have an idea before you start your comment. No one wants a commentator who can’t have one minute to analyze the content.

      If you’re off topic, make it to the point so that the blogger can have a sense that at least you know what you’re picking up.

      Thanks for sharing your thoughts.


  3. Hi Ravi,

    I think you did a good work with this article. It is often to see that people drop a short meaningless comment. Commenting is a good way to get to know people and build relationships, and we too will be known by our remarks. It is also often interesting to read other people opinion and learn from their experience. A comment also shows the personality oof the comment author . Not always necessary to write long stories, but at least we can leave a good impression.

    Good for beginners to learn to comment a good way .

    You did give very good tips .

    Thank you


    1. Hey Erika,

      Blog commenting is something people use for better exposure. It’s like the master key to build relationships.

      I can understand that people don’t have much time to read the whole article but at least they can read the starting and the ending. It would be enough to relate to the content.

      Thanks for the support.


  4. Hi Ravi bro,

    Commenting to the point makes commenting professional. But commenting in a constructively argumentative manner by adding some personal stories makes it interesting. However, in every possibility some may take it otherwise. We have to be careful. And as you mentioned, adding emotions using various emoticons brings a personal closeness.


    1. Hey Sherab,

      Putting some arguments can be useful only if you can handle the negative comments. People like to criticize and you should drop a comment which can engage the blog owner.

      Everyone loves getting personal and you can use that. Just add your personal touch in the comment.

      Thanks for stopping by.


  5. “Content is king” this quote is true… but writing good & relevant content is little hard to for beginner bloggers & writers. Well this is really nice article to understand some best point for Write Quality Comments that may be a article or comment.

  6. Hi Ravi

    No the idea of commenting on blogs isn’t new to me, but the action of actually doing the deal is new to me. And I appreciate your in depth tutorial on how to meet and greet on the internet.

    Your article is important to me, and in the end it’s all about being real and real respect, isn’t it? Real respect because I didn’t stop by to leave a spam hit on your blog. I read your article and have something I’d like to say about it.

    Great article for me. Easy to read, easy to follow, and just what I needed! It’s about as hard for me to “put myself out there” with a comment as it is with a blog post.


    1. Hey Mike,

      People just flaunt but you truly understand the meaning of building relationships. In this era of internet, everything is related to how you interact with others.

      Writing a comment isn’t enough, putting the value is what makes you a reader. Yeah, respect is what you should give. People like to get appreciated.

      I am glad that you found it worth reading.

      Have a great day.


  7. Hey Ravi,

    Very interesting article indeed. I do want to mention, that I personally, do read the entire article before I make a comment. I try to see where I can add to the conversation, or give a different point of view.

    I feel commenting is very important as this is is the best way, in my view, to build relationships with other bloggers.

    I have to admit, there is a tendency, to just scan the article and get the main points and then try to leave a comment that sounds like you read the article. I feel if you do this, that the author with certainly know, and you will come across as not being sincere.

    I like all of your points, especially the one about telling your own personal story. I admit I don’t do this very often, but it does make the comment more intimate, and very personal, and you come across as more of a real person, then just trying to leave a comment on a blog.

    Thanks, Ravi for sharing this article with us and I will be off to share.

    I hope you have a great weekend!


    1. Hey Rob,

      People have their own perspectives and it’s good to know that you prefer to read the full article.

      It shows your dedication towards blogging and building relationships with other bloggers. Many bloggers just come and go, no one even notices them because of their poor presentation.

      Adding your personal story can engage more.

      Thanks for taking the time to share your views.

      Enjoy your day.


  8. Hey Ravi,

    A great comments can land you on the radar of a popular blogger and it is considered as the kind of super-connected influencer who can accelerate your success.

    Exactly, we need to always start our comments with hi, hello and hey it improves communication scenario. Our goal in every comment should be to add value regarding post. If our comment doesn’t add value, it’s wasting everyone’s time. Eventually, thanks for adding much informative thought regarding this topic.

    With best wishes,

    Amar kumar

  9. Blog commenting is actually an art form, if you think about it!

    Comments that add value to the post are great for SEO purposes.

    Comments that just say, “Great post!” are USELESS. Most people who are looking for a quick backlink do this. This is why I moderate comments on Wording Well. I end up trashing the comments that are like this.

    By adding a personal story or comment in your comment, you are also getting to know the blog owner (or their guest) a bit more. Commenting is a fantastic opportunity for networking!

    I’ve met many of my clients through blog commenting. I’ve also formed many great relationships with others.

    And the longer the comment is, the better it usually is.

    But it has to — absolutely has to — be GENUINE.

    One final thing that most great bloggers do is commenting reciprocation.

    It’s always nice to open your dashboard and see a comment waiting for approval, and once I have replied to the comment, I usually visit the commenter’s blog and leave one on a post that sparks my interest.

    I could write a book about this topic, but I’m on a deadline and so I’ll end this comment now.


    1. Hey Lorraine,

      I have always considered blog commenting as one the massive weapon to get the lead. Whether it’s about building relationships or getting more clients.

      I like the way you have crafted the benefits including the long term goals and the smile you get after logging in to your admin panel.

      Reciprocity is the thing everyone should follow.

      Thanks for putting the value.


  10. Hey Ravi ,

    Every blogger want to have many comment so to know what their reader has to say after reading the content. We find some comment really genius but some even does not make sense. I always get comment which is not even related to content.

    Some of user who leave comment just for getting backlinks. I mostly accept those who has queries or something to add in content.

    I think when we read whole content then we don’t need to find words for leaving content. If we have nothing to say then leave.

    I guess it is also first post I read on quality comment and you have covered it wisely with experiences.

    1. Hey Ravinder,

      Blog commenting is something you should adapt for better results. Connecting with the content through your comment is the best thing you can do.

      I like your approach how you thin about commenting and the way you accept the queries.

      More engagement is what brings you at the top.

      Thanks for sharing your views.


  11. Hi Ravi,

    The article was as always great and it is clearly visible that all the tips mentioned here are from your own experience as I have seen your long and meaningful comments on many top blogs.

    I just wanted to ask that on any particular day, how many comments do you leave on other blogs?

    And after reading the first comment I am thinking to add the signature to every comment I leave. It looks professional.

    ~ Shafi Khan

    1. Hey Shafi,

      The number doesn’t matter.

      The main thing which matters is what you write. Your comment should represent your professionalism. I visit many blogs a day and try to drop some input.

      I do it only after reading or having the basic idea of the articles.

      It’s always good if you can relate to the content.

      Thanks for taking the time to comment.


  12. Hey Ravi,

    After going through this article, you made me learn and moved me a step ahead in Blogging. I am completely new into this. I heard from many people that blog commenting is very useful for any blogger because of several reasons.. bla bla bla…

    But was confused, because I would like to read the entire article before placing a comment. As the blogger puts lots of effort writing an article by researching.

    If we look from a non-blogger (general reader) perspective, they might write “great post” or “useful article” etc.

    But Surprisingly I came to know that, such kind of comments considered as spam. then the question is how to do it?

    Above question is well answered by this article… Thanks for sharing your experience.

    Navin Rao

    1. Hi Navin,

      This blogosphere is full of fake and real people. You can’t just decide within a glance. But your actions do show your intentions.

      Blog commenting can be your weapon to connect with more bloggers. I like your analyzing skills.

      Reading the full content may take so much time but at least you should have an idea about the topic. Share your insight and grab the attention.

      Thanks for stopping by.


  13. Hey Ravi,

    I am a new blogger and it is very much important to comment on other bloggers blog and at the very beginning, I was just writing 30to 4 words which I soon realized was not right.

    Your article covers every important points it will help newbies especially

    1. Hi Rajiv,

      Blog commenting is all about connecting with others. No one would like to accept your comment if you won’t relate to the content.

      Build your strategy and show your charm.

      Thanks for stopping by.


  14. Hey Ravi Chahar,

    You always share great info, You have rocked it.:) Blog Commenting is a very powerful solution to get a backlink from other high quality site and targeted traffic. I am getting lot of comments everyday ?Ÿ™‚ Blog commenting is one of the best off page SEO techniques.

    I have read many articles related to this and you brought something that touched me. I am a beginner in blogging, and I am happy to learn from you!

    Awesome articles and i read your all blogs. BloggingLove website best important write quality Contant.

    Thanks for giving the information it is useful for me. ?Ÿ™‚

    Happy Blogging ?Ÿ™‚

    1. Hi Pavitra,

      Blog commenting is something which can give you more benefit than you even think. It’s not only about getting the backlinks, it’s about building relationships.

      In this blogosphere, if you want to build your brand, you should comment more and more.

      I am glad that you found it helpful.

      Enjoy your stay.


  15. This is great stuff Ravi! I’m especially big on #2, because it shows that the commenter read at least a portion of the article and found it valuable enough to give a pretty good comment, whether or not it’s overly long. These days I’m more selective about the blogs I comment on because there are too many people who either don’t respond to the comments or make sure their visitors receive notice about the comments that it sometimes feels like a waste of time. Still, when I do (like I do with your blog) I make sure I address something specific you wrote that appeals to me… or makes me want to disagree. ?Ÿ™‚

    1. Hey Mitch,

      Blog commenting is something you use to connect. If you can’t put some efforts in crafting your comment with some value then it’s of no use. I always prefer to accept the comments which are related to the content.

      I appreciate you taking the time to share your thoughts.

      Enjoy the weekend.


  16. Hey Ravi,

    There are two points that you mentioned here that shows how I comment.

    I usually take a couple of points and go a little more detail about them. I share my own experience with the points made in the the blog points which also bring up another point you made in #3 which is tell a personal story. In this sense the author and other commenters could possibly relate to me and my experiences.

    Great points you made here Ravi! Have a great weekend!

    1. Hi Sherman,

      Personal experience always helps you connect with the content. The blog owner will accept your comment and there will be a positive vibe.

      It’s always recommended to tell a story so that people can resonate.

      Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

      Have a great day.


  17. Hey Ravi,

    I really missed this informative piece.

    In fact, the subject is very dear to me and I wonder how come I missed this.

    You covered almost everything a comment author should make note of.

    I am following almost all the points you mentioned in relation to comments.

    The comment authors should make it a point not to post comments just to get a backlink.

    Yes with this aim many just visit and have an overall look and drop a generic comment and go off.

    This is not a good trend at all. One line or one-word comments are not acceptable by many bloggers.

    Make note that many bloggers never accept such one-word comments, it generally goes into the spam folder or the blog owners just press the delete button.

    So make it a point to make sensible and related comments if possible a debatable one. Or add few extra points related to the post, so that it will get others response to your views.

    Thanks Ravi for telling all about comments.

    I will surely mention this in my post I have posted on this subject in the updated version: “The Power of Blog Comments”

    Keep sharing.

    Best Regards

    ~ Philip

    1. Hi Philip,

      Blog commenting has always been one of the best things to practice. But most of the bloggers don’t really know it’s importance. They just think it as getting the backlinks.

      And the worst part is when you get “nice article, great post” one line comments. I never accept those.

      It’s better to be without showing even a single comment than flooded with numerous of useless people fooling around.

      Thanks for sharing your thoughts.


  18. Hi Ravi,

    Thanks for sharing these commenting tips with us. I do my best to leave genuine comments. It’s like paying respect to the blogger who took the time to read the blog post.

    When I first started blog commenting, my comments were short and simple. It’s not because I didn’t read the blog post, having worked in corporate America, it was a fast paced environment and we trained to keep email, reports and conversations short and direct. It took me a while to get over that and sometimes I go back to those ways when I’m feeling rushed. ?Ÿ™‚

    I pretty much follow the tips you shared here. I like to keep it in my own voice and add smiley faces to keep it light and fun. ?Ÿ™‚

    Thanks for putting these tips together! I know this is going to help new bloggers with their commenting.


  19. Hello Ravi,

    I have seen many people commenting few words just for the sake of getting backlinks. They even don’t go through the whole article.I also used to that at times, which was quite embarrassing. But with the passage of time I have learnt how much that hurts you in the long run.

    A comment shows how much you are serious about something. Sometimes a comment clarifies many things.

    I am still in the learning process.It will definitely help me.

    Thanks Ravi for sharing.

  20. Hi Ravi,

    It’s always good to read comments from people who motives are pure and wants to add value to your post.

    I like the suggestion you gave on commenting on what’s new to me. I do that a lot.

    But I never felt like it was the right thing to do so thanks for letting me know it’s okay.

    I try my best to share my personal experience on the subject because it’s something about it that people relate to.

    When I’m asked to speak I do the something.

    Commenting makes me feel connected with the bloggers.


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